As a kid every summer I went to the seaside, and the biggest adventure I was always happily waiting for was, of course, collecting shells. That was driving crazy my family, I was the first one who was awake and rushing everyone to the beach, and the last one to leave it. Not much changed from that time, only that now I have to carry my baggage on my own, so I am a bit more thoughtful about what I carry around with me.
My vacation is fantastic, now I have to check my phone when someone asks me what day is it today, and I find it as a really good sign. My skin gets more brown every day, but still not even near to those lucky ones, who live here. But well, I am working on it. I am walking every day along the beach, looking at all this amazing nature that surrounds me. I am enjoying my time here, like everyone I am lucky to meet. But well, I am more of a wanderer myself, so I prefer the company of my lovely best friend and sun.
Today we found these beautiful rocks. Of course, I could not hold myself and started exploring them, they are full of life! I found them really cool, and my friend agreed with me, the moment she saw them clearly.
We made a few photos, and actually, we were already a bit tired and running out of the water, so we were in a hurry. I even told her “c´mon, let’s take photos later, we should go back”. But she was persistent, and only later I saw that pics turned out to be much better than I expected. That is always such a nice surprise!
I am really thankful to Vikky for the photos, and today I got another lesson to learn – never stop on the halfway, it may seem hard, but even small result is a big victory, it always loans itself in the end!